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Hart/Rudman -- 21st Century Commission Recommends New Anti-Terror Cabinet Agency
Seems even after this report President Bush still didn't consider terrorism important. 

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Historian compare President Bush with other Presidents
By Robert S. McElvaine
Mr. McElvaine teaches history at Millsaps College.


Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  9/15/2003

"I'm sure the numbers are beginning to look better." [Source: White House Web site]

"Data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the Bush administration fell 437,000 jobs short in August, losing 93,000 jobs, instead of creating the 344,000 it had projected for each month after July 2003." - EPI, 9/5/03

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Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  3/11/2004

"Over a million jobs were lost because of the [9/11] attack." [Source: White House Web site]

"White House officials were unable to point to any specific information that supports a direct link between massive job losses and the attacks." While one White House spokeswoman claimed that the President's statements were "supported by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)," that agency's associate commissioner "said BLS has not compiled any specific study on jobs which were lost specifically because of the Sept. 11 attacks." - Bureau of National Affairs, 3/22/04


Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  1/9/2004

"Unemployment dropped today to 5.7% [which] is a positive sign that the economy is getting better." [Source: White House Web site]

The president didn't add that the unemployment drop occurred not because the economy was getting better, but because continued weak job growth led 309,000 people to stop looking for work. As one nonpartisan economist said, "Most of these dropouts would still be in the labor force working or trying to work if the economy were doing better," The president made no mention that only 1,000 total jobs were created in December - a "shockingly low number," where most economists had expected job growth to be around 100,000 to 150,000 for the month. - Baltimore Sun, 1/10/04; NY Times, 1/13/04

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Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  2/23/2004

"At home, obviously, the economy and jobs are on my mind. I know they're on yours, as well. I'm pleased that the economy is growing -- 5.6% unemployment is a good national number." [Source: White House Web site]

"There are the 8.7 million unemployed, defined as those without a job who are actively looking for work. But lurking behind that group are 4.9 million part-time workers who say they would rather be working full time — the highest number in a decade. There are also the 1.5 million people who want a job but didn't look for one" because the economy had become so bleak. "Add these three groups together and the jobless total for the U.S. hits 9.7%." Even the official unemployment rate is misleading. While "the unemployment rate fell to 5.7 percent from 5.9 percent, that was because more people gave up looking for work." All told, the February 2004 drop "was wholly due to a contraction in the labor force, which declined by 309,000." As the New York Times noted, "compared with previous economic recoveries, job growth remains well below par." - LA Times, 12/29/03; Knight-Ridder, 1/10/04; EPI, 1/9/04; NY Times, 2/22/04

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Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  2/23/2004

"And, of course, I've always felt that the community college system provides a great opportunity for job training...Community colleges are available, affordable; they're flexible...So we've got money in our budget to help invigorate the community college system." [Source: White House Web site]

While the Administration is proposing a modest increase in job training funds for community colleges, it is overshadowed by the its push to cut more than $1 billion out of job training over the last three years. Last year alone, the White House proposed a $300 million cut to vocational education, a $60 million cut to adult job training, and a $225 million cut to youth job training, effectively eliminating all funding for the Youth Opportunity Grants. As the Salt Lake Tribune noted, overall spending on job training is roughly flat "and work-force training advocates note that the Administration and Congress have failed to recognize how little the government spends on training." - American Progress backgrounder, 1/20/04; Salt Lake Tribune, 1/5/04

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Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  2/12/2004

"There are people looking for work because jobs have gone overseas. And we need to act in this country. We need to act to make sure there are more jobs at home, and people are more likely to retain a job." [Source: White House Web site]

A new report signed by President Bush "said the movement of U.S. factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy." The LA Times notes "Bush supports the shift of jobs overseas." - Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 2/10/04; LA Times, 2/10/04

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Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  2/9/2004

"That's why I've called on Congress to provide money for job training." [Source: White House Web site]

The President's modest, job training proposal in 2004 is dwarfed by his efforts over his efforts between 2001-2003 to slash at least $1 billion out of funding for job training and vocational education. - American Progress backgrounder, 1/20/04

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Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  2/8/2004

"How about the fact that we are now increasing jobs or the fact that unemployment is now down to 5.6 percent? There was a winter recession and unemployment went up, and now it's heading in the right direction." [Source: Meet the Press transcript]

Since President Bush's first tax cut in March 2001, the economy has shed more than 2 million jobs. He will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to end his term with a net job loss record. Additionally, the White House Counsel of Economic Advisors pledged that the President's "jobs and growth" package would create 1,836,000 new jobs by the end of 2003 as part of its pledge to create 5.5 million new jobs by 2004. But the economy added 221,000 jobs since the last tax cut went into effect, meaning that as the President appeared on Meet The Press, the White House had fallen 1,615,000 jobs short of their mark. - EPI, 2/4/03;

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Topic:  Economy - Jobs

Speaker:  Bush, George - President

Date:  2/8/2004

"There is good momentum when it comes to the creation of new jobs." [Source: Meet the Press transcript]

Statistics show there is exceptionally poor job momentum. In the last two months we've seen an average of 73,000 private sector jobs created. At this pace, we wouldn't see a new net private sector job created until May 2007. Even beyond the recession and 9/11, just looking at the recovery since November 2001, the current pace of job growth puts us on track to have the worst jobs recovery since the Great Depression.



To everyone, my site was created with the idea of keeping it light and fun and kid safe.  It was never intended to make a political statement and of course every other page, other than this one, is as explained.  But in recent months, I have become so concerned about the future of  the freedom and liberty in the United States of America, had to create this page.  I would not have done anything like during the administrations of Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush or Clinton.  For even though I might have agreed in part and/or disagreed in part with the policies of all of these men, I felt that the country could survive and prosper despite or because of their administrations.  But George W. Bush I feel is different than all of these men.  His secrecy, lies and laws diminishing our freedoms has so concerned me that I had to create this page.  I never thought in my lifetime that Americans could be held in prisons without charges for months without access to the courts or lawyers.  That resident aliens could be picked up in the middle of the night, interrogated (also without a lawyer) kept months and then deported without even having the decency of telling his/her family.  That the Geneva Convention could be suspended by my country.  A country which in our national anthem calls "The home of the free and land of the brave.".   If you don't agree with me that is fine, its your right as an American (actually, its your right as a human being.)  And if you want to express it in my guestbook, that is ok, as long as you don't use profanity (this is a still child safe site) and don't use more than one entry.  If you use more than one entry, no big deal, I'll just delete as fast as you type it anyway)  

In conclusion, this page is a page I, in good conscience, had to create.  I am sorry if it offends some of you, but I couldn't help it.  Whether you are on the right or the left, you should be concerned about this  president.  If they can arrest and hold suspected terrorists and deny them their rights, how long before someone denounces YOU as a terrorist and you are held too???  You can say what you want about President Clinton, but at least, he found, captured, tried and convicted the terrorists from the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and no one's rights was violated in doing so. Those terrorists are being held in a federal prison.  As of today, almost 2 1/2 years later, no one is being charged with a crime in connection of 9/11 let alone been convicted.

I found these on the internet, pro-bush playing cards and anti-bush playing cards.  This is good stuff no many which pack you pick.  I personally think that the pro-bush cards are funnier, just the irony, but if you want to buy either pack click on the deck you want and buy.  Strangely enough the anti-bush cards cost $2.00 less but don't let that deter you if you prefer George W. Bush


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